Agni channel balancer: Here zseps buccal tablets (sucking tablets) works on firstly activating and balancing your jatharagni from mand to tiksha agni, it works on digesting every particle of the food intake. As jatharagni is the fire in the body that cooks the food inside the body and converting it into ras and transfers to rasa agni and further to other 6 agni which not only will digest your food but will also helps in developing good quality of blood, with essential vitals, tissues, muscles, bones, vitals for skin hair and nails, bone marrow, plasma, bones, fat, and sperm and reproductive health.. Which prevents development of toxins and helps in developing ojas which is your complete body energy, immunity and metabolism.
So it works as
o Complete treatment for Gastritis, bloating, constipation, acidity
o Regulates jatharagni and 7 dhatu agnis
o Balances tridosha completely
o Complete toxins detoxifications
o Helps in getting food completely digested
o Increases energy, metabolism, immunity completely regulated in body
o It helps in complete flushing out waste excretion from the body makes body lighter and relaxed